HOTEL RESCUE by TRT It is a digital platform to be able to promote in this time of crisis by COVID-19, that hotels have a more active cash flow and manage to solve their fixed and basic operating costs, correcting this need quickly and effectively.

Our objetive is to correct and generate movement in the cash flow of the hotels so that they can continue their operations, achieving it quickly and effectively. We are part of a company with social responsibility that offers a technological solution that will generate activation of your hotel's services in times of crisis and will help you pay your fixed costs at this stage generated by the COVID-19. We have the support of large allied brands to work with those who join this platform, with the support and advice of TRT, a company that, with its experience and technology, managed in record time to create this platform at the service of hoteliers in Latin America.


We are a global team dedicated to increasing online hotel revenue. Our multidisciplinary team has experience of more than 7 years working in the different areas of business and service that we offer. Our collaborators have developed a solid business relationship with the Costa Rican hotel sector and in 2020 our operations have expanded to LATAM with locations in Guatemala, Panama, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Mexico, Chile, Honduras and soon Argentina.

TRT Lodging specializes in managing all online travel agencies (OTAs), e-commerce strategies and tactics, e-commerce configuration and administration, business intelligence analysis, and revenue management expansion.

We are a team of experts that works using intelligence and market knowledge. TRT Lodging analyzes the data and generates strategies to determine the best solution for hoteliers and their needs.

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